English follows Japanese.




九州大学大学院芸術工学府 中村美亜研究室では、文化政策、アートマネジメント、アートとケア、アートベースリサーチなどに関する研究を行う修士・博士の学生を募集しています。アートを「表現とコミュニケーションによる仕掛け」と広く捉え、生き抜く術としてのアートに関する実践的・学際的な研究を展開しています。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。


Mia Nakamura, PhD, is Professor at Kyushu University’s Faculty of Design, focused on cultural policy and arts management. She is interested in how arts and culture can empower socially marginalized people and contribute to inclusion and equity. She is also engaged in cultural value and evaluation. Dr. Nakamura’s approach is mainly sociological and often interdisciplinary. Published English articles include "Addressing causality: participatory evaluation on improvisational drama workshops for people with dementia and their carers" in Cultural Trends (2024),  “Music sociology meets neuroscience” in Oxford’s Handbook on Music and the Body (2019), “Facilitation-based distributed creativity: The Inari chorus performance at the Itoshima International Art Festival” in Creativity in Music Education (2018), and “Retelling, memory-work, and metanarrative: Two musical-artistic mediations for sexual minorities and majorities in Tokyo,” in Music and Arts in Action 4(2), (2014).

Dr. Nakamura was the lead researcher of a special joint research team on social inclusion and evaluation convened by Japan’s Agency for Cultural Affairs and Kyushu University from 2018 to 2021. Among other activities, the team published three handbooks which are available also in English.

For more details and links on Dr. Nakamura’s work, visit here

Graduate Students

Dr. Nakamura’s areas of specialization include cultural policy, arts management, arts and care, and arts-based research. Potential English-speaking master's and doctoral students are welcome to email directly to explore supervision opportunities; please attach an updated CV, papers, and research plans well in advance of application. For application details, visit the university's admission page.